20150528 GS drills with legs+cardio
5 Rounds of legwork to raise heart rate, followed by GS drills to keep it up there Times increment by a few seconds each round 25[++1s] Crouch Jumps 50[++5s] Cleans 30[++2s] Rachinsky Jumps 60[++10s] Long Cycle 30[++3s] Leap Frog 30[++5s] Bumps 45[++4s] Frog Squat 70[++8s] Jerks 45[++5s] Pulsed Squat in threes 40[++5s] Swings 60[++5s] Rest Impetus file is here HR profile…(This profile shows a lower than expected profile since it excludes much of the legwork due to injury. On some sets snatches were substituted for legs to keep HR elevated) [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHRHA5eE1zSVRLSTA&export=download” title=”20150528-GS-drills(with legs+cardio).jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]