20150624 Snatch EDT/EVT

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Snatches, 8 Rounds, increasing weights each round (Escalating Density Training – EDT – 16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30kg) 1m[++5] Left/Right 1m[++3] Rest Impetus file is here Typical HR profile… [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHOUFGV1gzT3FBUWM&export=download” title=”20150624-Snatch(EDT,60++5)x8.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]

20150611 Scales of GS torture

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Similar to the Hamstrung/DeepBoxSquatJumps session, but this time, we just use the actual GS move, instead of the supportive drill version. To add to the grip, we’ll use Long Cycle2 instead of Jerk2. Impetus file is the same as the Hamstrung/Deep Box Squat Jumps version (but you obviously do Snatch/LongCycle2) HR profile would be like this… [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHbzFWYWNlaFh2ZDA&export=download” title=”20150611-ScalesOfGS.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]

20150604 Long (downhill) Cycle

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A slow, but sufficiently heavy to be challenging set of Long Cycle2. You need to choose 3 sets of KB pairs to suit your ability. The pace is not fast at all, and you will spend relatively long in racked/rest positions, so take this into consideration. Light 24 @ 8s Rest 40s Heavy 28 @ 12s Rest 50s Medium 32 @ 10s Rest 60s Heavy 36 @ 13s Rest 70s Repeat a second time, adjusting weights (upward) if necessary. Impetus file is here

20150527 Long Cycle metronome

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Escalation work for HR. Long Cycle2 reps performed on a metronome for 10 mins to mimic a GS set. 15s 2x18kg (40 reps) 14s 2x20kg (43 reps) 13s 2x22kg (47 reps) Certainly not big reps, but pretty challenging (for me anyway) Impetus files is here Typical HR profile looks something like this (initial spike is HRM strap shift and can be ignored. Last few second spike is a couple of extra/sprint finish reps) [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHZjRvWEZ5OXdOUzA&export=download” title=”20150527-LC2-rpm.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”800″ extra=”image” style=”embed”]

20150525 Active/Static

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A GS type session using Static Holds as a base, but also cranking up the heart rate by adding some extra movement between the holds. Short bursts (20s) to make them manageable, but everything is doubles 5 Sets in a row to make up a 10 min round 20s Rack Hold2 20s Jerks2 20s Lockout2 20s Swings2 20s Farmer Hold2 20s Cleans2 4 rounds with a few minutes rest between each round Impetus file is here Typical HR profile for some of the rounds…[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHY3RoTEthRnBNR00&export=download” title=”20150525-Active-Static.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”600″ height=”400″ extra=”image” style=”embed”]