Who is THE best (kettlebell) coach in the world?

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Before we decide if we should start naming names here…let’s look at what actually makes a GOOD coach. Is it someone who is so bloody awesome with the tools of choice, that they can kick EVERYBODY’s ass? hmmm… maybe they should rather just compete. a coach should never compete with their students. if you can & do beat all your students, then you suck as a coach. Maybe share the secrets and helpĀ them improve. Is it someone who has produced champion after champion after champion? hmmm… well, if the champions are all natural ability, or drug mutated lunatics, then

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Ladies double kettlebell lifting

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So, while everybody is clamouring to be the newest, greatest ladies doubles star…. Here’s some of the IKFF Africa ladies at an AUKL event 18 months ago (back in Feb 2014), after some guidance from Steve Cotter, and inspired by his doubles based CKT2 syllabus (which he initiated 7 years ago, in 2008). Nice of all of you doubles newbies to join in (at last)

Using kettlebells (& diet) to gain/lose weight

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Although I am NOT (medically) qualified to discuss the detailed dietary & health requirements which are recommended for weightloss/gain, I am absolutely trained in the laws of physics. IF….calorie intake from food exceeds the calories expended in exercise, there WILL be gain. IF….calories expended in exercise exceeds intake from food , there WILL be loss. It does NOT matter if you eat carbs, protein, vegetables, or chocolate/cake. Energy/matter CANNOT be created or destroyed. That “thyroid problem” is just a crappy excuse. Whether you’re on cake only, or using “banting” or Scarsdale, or South beach, or any weird and wonderful

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When to use heavier kettlebells

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Kettlebell sport is NOT about how heavy you are going. If your objective is to lift HEAVY, then GS is the wrong system. In relative terms, even the heaviest of kettlebells is not that heavy, especially when compared to barbells. The heaviest prograde kettlebell I have heard of (standard dimensions) is 68kg. That wouldn’t even qualify as a warm up weight for a power lifter. The essence of GS is a combination of strength, power AND endurance. Complete 10 minutes, at a sensible pace, without quitting. So when should you increase the weight? and when should you not? The

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Standard KB colours

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[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHaF9aLUNYZzdDUnc&export=download” title=”KB-colours.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”400″ height=”570″ extra=”image” style=”embed”]