20110122 – 07h00 – The 300 revisited & some 90s timed sets
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Another version of the 300 (The 300 – very simple – 50+10, 40+20, 30+30, 20+40, 10+50 = 300 reps)
2 exercises – the reps of the one go up by 10 while the other goes down by 10
We will do Snatches & SquatJumps for this one
Then 50s KB, 40s BrW – 4 sets in a row, then rest 30s between rounds. 4 rounds
1) Snatches L L R R
2) Snatches L L R R
3) Presses L L R R
4) Presses L R L R
Heavy swings (48kg)
Sw2h 10,rest,11,rest,12,rest,13,rest,14,rest,15,rest,20,rest,25(56kg),rest….
Then either go up in weight and reduce reps by 10 (15), or stay on the same weight and increase by 10(35)
…..[15 or 35](64kg)
BrS 3m30
HRMax= 165 kcal= 1025