20110217 – 18h45 – Basic12 x2 [x4]
JM + WarmUp (120 club)
Basic12… [Sw2h;SwL;SwR;SwA;CL;CR;PpL;PpR;SnL;SnR;C+P-L;C+P-R] twice. This takes 12 mins.
Rest for 45s, increase weight…repeat (4 rounds)
Did 18kg, 20kg, 22kg, 24kg
In all, 48mins work, and 3mins rest – This time 22 minutes in the red zone, average HR of 150bpm.
I had to pause a few times on the last set. If I hadn’t been such a baby, I think I could’ve made 180bpm+
HRMax= 177 kcal= 822