20110315 – 05h30 – Ring-a-ring-a-rosie
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Today we’re just gonna have some fun mixing kids games into the training in a functional way.
2 rounds. Bridge + ring-a-ring-a-rosieExercise + KB exercise each for a set amount of time. We’ll use 12 exercises from Basic12 and then play around with the “rosies” to make it dynamic and varied
The rosie exercises are all plyo or semi-plyometric stuff including running, jumping, bouncing, etc. Some duckwalks, bunnyhops, crab walks. Just a bunch of fun stuff around in a big circle.
1) 45s:25s:75s
then increase weight…
2) 50s:30s:60s
HRMax= 172 kcal= 842