20110512 – 05h30 – VO2chairMax Snatches
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
OK, so we’ll work a bit more on the core theme. Today we’ll do VO2max snatches…but with a twist.
Seated on a bench! This will remove the possibility of generating most of the power with your legs, so the core has to engage much more
Sets of 8+8 where you do 8 in a row seated, and then 8 in a row standing. Obviously you go to heavier weights when standing
eg. Seated 16kg, standing (in that same set) 18kg
Set 1) L..R..L..R..L..R etc
Set 2) L..R..L..R..L..R etc with slightly heavier weights
Set 3) L..L..L..L..L..L etc with slightly heavier weights
Set 4) R..R..R..R..R..R etc with slightly heavier weights
Set 5) Double snatches (if you cant manage on the bench/seated, then do both sets of 8 standing