20111008 – 07h00 – Kabelo Mabalane – Immortal
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
The awesome Kabelo Mabalane‘s new album, “Immortal” launched on 3-10-2011 we’ll celebrate as follows…
3 different weights (eg. 20,22,24)
10 of each
20 of each
11 of each
K B-crunch
A irborne lunges (1 touch of the knee = 1 count)
B ottom Up Cleans (1 lockout = 1 count)
E vil Wheel
L eapFrog (1 hop = 1 count)
O H squats
M uscle-Up/MachineGun snatches
A B drill (straight legs, 1-arm OH situp)
B urpee
A lternating Press (1 lockout = 1 count)
L unges (1 leg = 1 count)
A lternating Clean (1 clean = 1 count)
N ick (weighted scissor Jumps) (1 touch of the knee = 1 count)
E xternal Snatch (Circular Snatch)
I nverted Kettlebell Push-ups
M ountain Run (1 leg = 1 count)
M ilitary Press (any hand change sequence)
O ne arm Jerk (any hand change sequence)
R enegade Rows (1 lift = 1 count)
T GU (any hand change sequence)
A lternating Swings
L ong cycle (any hand change sequence)