20090404 – 07h00 – Outdoors + VO2max
Saturday: we have 2 hours of fun!
JM & WarmUp10(12kg) to get started. Then some light+(16kg) work.
Pullup/Swings circuit: Everyone is in a nice big circle doing 2H SW’s. Each person gets a turn to put down the KB, and do pullups (girls 3, guys 6) then pick them up again and continue with SW’s until everybody has had a turn.
Now we head outside with KB’s. A few sets of short sprints mixed in with SW,C etc to get the heartrate up.
Teamwork: 1 guy sprints while the other does DBL C‘s. Each person does 5 sprints,5 sets.
Teamwork: Walking SeeSaw presses. 10m then partner goes.
Stairwork: Start at the bottom of the stairs. Take your KB, and RUN up the 2 flights as quick as you can. Walk down. Repeat other hand.
Repeat, but with KB in lockout overhead.
Inside again. A few snatches to warmup.
VO2max: 6 min callibration/setup. 20 mins of VO2max…
with a subtle twist. Instead of the standard 15s work/15s rest we do the 2010 version.
20s Work/10s Rest. (in celebration of the 2010 World Cup of course!!)
End with some abs & stretching.