20091128 – 07h00 – split10 & supercircuit
JM & WarmUp
WarmUp10 forms the basis for this series.
SW2h, SwL, SwR, SwA, CL, CR, PpL, PpR, SnL, SnR. Instead of a full minute of each, we reduce the 1min to 30s, and insert a filler. The filler is “themed” and changes on each 10min set. 1-2 mins rest between sets.
1) Go-Muscles. SW2h, SW2h, SwL, SW2h, SwR, SW2h, SwA, SW2h, CL, SW2h, CR, SW2h, PpL, SW2h, PpR, SW2h, SnL, SW2h, SnR, SW2h.
2) Legs. SW2h, BWSQ, SwL, LungeFwdL, SwR, LungeFwdR, SwA, LungeBackL, CL, LungeBackR, CR, DragonLungeFwdL, PpL, DragonLungeFwdR, PpR, DragonLungeBackL, SnL, DragonLungeBackR, SnR, GobletSQ.
3) Abs. SW2h, BrS, SwL, BrL, SwR, BrR, SwA, BrW, CL, JackKnivesL, CR, JackKnivesR, PpL, BridgeCrucifixL, PpR, BridgeCrucifixR, SnL, BridgeCrucifixL-1Leg, SnR, BridgeCrucifixR-1Leg.
4) Legs/Abs (not quite the WarmUp10 – just legs/abs/legs/abs…).
BWSQ, BrS, GobletSQ, BrW, LungeFwdL, BrL, LungeFwdR, BrR, LungeBackL, JackKnivesL, LungeBackR, JackKnivesR, DragonLungeFwdL, BridgeCrucifixL, DragonLungeFwdR, BridgeCrucifixR, DragonLungeBackL, BridgeCrucifixL-1Leg, DragonLungeBackR, BridgeCrucifixR-1Leg
We follow this with a few rounds of circuit based kettlebells. Stations: Sw, C, Pp, Sn, TGU, C&P, SpetzRoll, RussianTwists, KettlebellCrunches, HackSquats, Windmills, Kossacks, SeeSaw Presses.
1min on a station…work for 3…rest for 1… do each of them twice