20110504 – 05h30 – Doubles pyramid
JM + WarmUp (160 club) TrapBar JumpShrug (70kg/40kg)HiBox StepUps with 8kg BulgarianBag2L DL (96kg/64kg)1L DL (72kg/48kg)SquatPress (24kg/16kg)SquatDBL (32kg/20kg)SqShrimp/AirborneLungePistols A Pyramid using twice as many reps on 2 legged moves as you do on 1-legged ones.eg. StepUps are 1-legged, so you do 1 per leg…DeadLifts(2L) are 2 legged, so you do 2 reps. In simple terms, the total number of reps is equal on each station (1L + 1R = 2reps, same as a 2L move) pyramid is 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2