20110503 – 05h30 – Cardio Legs/Core
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Mix Basic12 with legs/core
the Legs/Core exercises are: skip,SqBw,EW,BrS
45s KB, 45s core/legs… 4 sets at a time… 30s between rounds
round 1) Sw2h, skip, SwA, SqBw, SwL, EW, SwR, BrS
round 2) CL, skip, CR, SqBw, PpL, EW, PpR, BrS
round 3) SnL, BrS, SnR, SqBw, LC-L, EW, LC-R, EW
increase weight…
round 4) Sw2h, skip, SwA, SqBw, SwL, EW, SwR, BrS
round 5) CL, skip, CR, SqBw, PpL, EW, PpR, BrS
round 6) SnL, BrS, SnR, SqBw, LC-L, EW, LC-R, EW
and a bonus round of only C&P with the same legs/core mix
50s KB, 50s core/legs… 4 sets… 1 round