20150619 FFM LongCycle+statics

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5 rounds of 5 minutes 1. [20s Rack, 20s Lockout, 20s Farmer’s hold] x3…+ 15x LongCycle2 @ 8s 60s Rest 2. [20s Rack, 20s Lockout] x4…+ 18x LongCycle2 @ 8s 60s Rest 3. [20s Farmer’s hold, 20s Lockout] x3…+ 22x LongCycle2 @ 8s 60s Rest 4. [20s Rack, 20s Lockout, 20s Farmer’s hold, 20s Lockout] x3…+ 8x LongCycle2 @ 8s 60s Rest 5. 33x LongCycle2 @ 8s Impetus file is here Typical HR profile… [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHc1A5cGpzQ3dLNzg&export=download” title=”20150619-FFM-5×5(LC+statics).jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]

20150618 CircleOf(Legless)Friends

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Everybody stands at a station in the circle, and performs the exercise at their station for 30s. Then you have 10s to move to the next station. Repeat 12 times…then rest for ~60s. 5 rounds. [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHU2QtOXpfY3l4MEk&export=download” title=”CircleOf(Legless)Friends.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”] Impetus file is here Some people swore at me for some reason. Apparently their legs hurt. Go figure

20150617 “x” + Jerks

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Section A is your choice from the list below – starts at 60s and increases by 15s each loop. (There is a halfway point marker built in to the timer setup). Section B Jerks2 at fixed pace (12rpm), but the number of reps increases by 6 on each loop. Just 2 rounds. Options for Section A: Pushups Bridge Wheel Get Up Sit Ups Goblet Squats Pillar Lunges Pistols (Alternating) 1 Leg Romanian Deadlift 1 Leg Boot Straps Frog Squats Impetus file is here Typical HR profile… [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHZmxvTndZVWZMSEk&export=download” title=”20150617-x+J2.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]

20150616 5×5 Tabatas

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A short, sharp, fast blast of 5 rounds of 5 mins each, using 20:10 Tabata timing. Work for 20s, rest for 10s…10 sets is one round/tabata. 5 rounds Semi Squat Jumps Heli Bells KB2 Bumps KB Leap Frog Kettlebell Shrimp Impetus file is here Typical HR profile… (to follow)

20150615 Tabata++

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Some Tabatas… that get longer. A round has 11 sets (of the same exercise)…starts at 20s Work, 10s Rest, and then grows by 1s on each loop within the round ie. 20:10, 21:11, 22:12, 23:13, 24:14, 25:15, 26:16, 27:17, 28:18, 29:19, 30:20. Mostly we can work on doubles/KB2, since there (technically) a lot of resting. Bonus rest between each round of 50[++5s] Swings2 Cleans2 Swings2 Jerks2 Snatches Left Snatches Right Impetus file is here Typical HR profile… [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByFs7LeBdaCHTF9LSkYxQ0NKaUU&export=download” title=”20150615-Tabata++.jpg” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_image_list.png” width=”95%” extra=”image” style=”embed”]