20101225 – 07h00 – XMAS day!!!
JM + WarmUp
We shall celebrate the birthday boy… 25/12/2010
Numbers are 10 12 20 25
We start with an extended warmup
100 club (10 of each)
120 club (12 of each)
200 club (20 of each)
250 club (25 of each)
Now a mixed KB/Bw setup using the numbers as times
Basic 12 template, 20 sets of 25s:12s:10s (KB:Bw:rest)
1) Bw=Bp, KB=20kg
2) Bw=SqBw, KB=20kg
3) Bw=Pushups, KB=24kg
4) Bw=GuS, KB=32kg swings
HRMax= 168 kcal= 1366