20101228 – 05h30 – OH sets escalator
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Only overhead moves, so Sn, Pp, C+Pp. A 20:10 Tabata, but instead of changing the number of working seconds up each time, we change the number of rounds in the cycle.
We start with 8 (4 sets on each hand) – alternating 1 set L, 1 set R
then 10 (5 sets on each hand)
then 12 (6 sets on each hand)
then 14 (7 sets on each hand)
then 16 (8 sets on each hand)
then 18 (9 sets on each hand)
then 20 (10 sets on each hand) – but on this one…either…
Go up a weight and do alternating 1 set L, 1 set R
Same weight, but do 10 sets in a row L, then 10 sets R
HRMax= 169 kcal= 983