20110709 – 07h00 – Kettlebell poker
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
“Buy-In” minimum=8 reps
Minumum “bet” (increment)=2
Winner of the hand becomes the “dealer” for the next hand (they get to choose the next exercise from the list)
To win a hand you MUST finish the exercise.
You can…
1.Stick (in which case everyone has to repeat the same exercises as the previous round within this hand)
2.Raise (you can either increase the number of reps everyone has to do, or the weight they use, or both)
3.Fold (if you quit, then you do bridge till the end of the hand – this is your incentive to keep playing)
Choose from
1. Swings
2. Cleans
3. Press/Jerk
4. Snatch
5. C+P
6. SqG
7. Double Cleans
8. Double Press
9. Double Clean+Press
example: Swings.
Everyone start with 8 swings. The 1st person “bets” 10 extra swings… everyone does 18. next person’s bet is 10 reps and 2kg – everyone goes up by 2kg and does 28 swings. next person bets 50 reps – everyone does 78 swings…etc
We learnt a few things doing this. It’s probably best to take the people who quit and form another group, else they ed up doing bridge over and over if they are in a very strong group. Better to form splinter groups of equal strength than to have one dominant person all the time. If possible, put the winners of the hand from each group into another group (let the tough guys “kill” each other)
HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx