20110708 – 05h30 – total=48
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
1. Pushups:Presses
2. Snatch:[Burpee or pullups]
3. 2H-swing-squat:[TuckJump or KB-halo]
4. Alternating-Lunge-Swings:[ScissorJumps or SwingUps]
5. C+P(single):GuS-OH
6. DoubleCleans:WeightedSitups(DoubleKB)
7. DeepBoxSquatJumps:Double Press/Jerk
8. Standing-1H-Row or O.H-squats:KB-burpee
9. Double-KB-squats or DoublePress/Jerk:Double Snatch
On each of 1-9, do 48 reps in total – and you can only change exercises once. (ie you cant do 10+12+2+24 and switch back and forth between exercises)
You can, for example, do all 48 pushups and zero presses, or 24 of each, or zero pushups and 48 presses etc
HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx