Steve Cotter B/D workout
The tradition at IKFF Africa is that when it’s someone’s birthday, we use the numbers that make up their age and date of birth as the basis for the workout…preferably using their preferred/favourite exercises.
Steve Cotter 17-1-1970 44yrs
Using the pistol…we do “Pistol Sally” – first set L leg…2nd set R leg.
After that…3 rounds (getting progressively heavier on each round)…
Jerks 44 reps
Swings 70 reps
Long Cycle 19 reps
Swing-Swing-Clean 17 reps
(PS. these are all doubles)
This is a much nicer version than the original idea – 1971 double jerks with 44kg (2x22kg) [let us never speak of this again!]