20150615 Tabata++
Some Tabatas… that get longer.
A round has 11 sets (of the same exercise)…starts at 20s Work, 10s Rest, and then grows by 1s on each loop within the round
ie. 20:10, 21:11, 22:12, 23:13, 24:14, 25:15, 26:16, 27:17, 28:18, 29:19, 30:20.
Mostly we can work on doubles/KB2, since there (technically) a lot of resting.
Bonus rest between each round of 50[++5s]
- Swings2
- Cleans2
- Swings2
- Jerks2
- Snatches Left
- Snatches Right
Typical HR profile…
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