20081230 – 19h00 – The Rammstein
This was the last workout of the year, so we wanted something that was easy, and fun, and which gave everyone a lift so we could end on a high note.
I consider this one of my finest creations! The essential components is a good compilation of Rammstein songs, blasting loudly in the “background” to keep everyone rockin’ and motivated.
It’s a simple circuit, mixing up boxing, KB’s and bodyweight exercises of your own choice.
We had a medium group (12 people), so I set up 3 work areas, each with 4 stations. More people means more areas. Areas need 4 stations.
1. Kettlebells:Snatches,Cleans,C&P/C&J,Swings (All singles/one handed)
2. Boxing:Bagwork (x4)
3. Fitness/KB/Bodyweight: Choice of…Pullups/Swingups,Overhead squats, Pushups,DBL KBsquats,Renegade rows, Alternating Dips/Pushups on 2 KB’s etc, stepwork, bridge/plank, situps… anything goes
The sequence (great if you have a ring timer, but a clock will do too). Each group has a turn at each of the 4 stations within their area (make sure people MOVE it to the next station! this isn’t playtime!), timed as follows:
Round 1:(12mins)
30secs on each station (=2mins), 1min rest to move to next area
when done at all areas, 1min rest, 2min skipping/ropejump,1min rest
Round 2: (16mins)
45secs on each station (=3mins), 1min rest to move to next area
when done at all areas, 1min rest, 3min skipping/ropejump,1min rest
Round 3: (20mins)
60secs on each station (=4mins), 1min rest to move to next area
when done at all areas, 1min rest, 4min skipping/ropejump,1min rest
48mins of beauty…getting harder as you get more and more warmed up & psyched. Ain’t it cool!
If it isn’t hard enough…turn UP the music louder, increase the weight or the pace