20090425 – 07h00 – Tri/Quadfectas
JM & WarmUp10 split into SW & other (so 4min…1min…6min)
Trifecta combos.
STD=SN(L),SN(R),C(L),C(R),SW(L),SW(R) 30s each=3mins – done x2
then reverse the order. SW…C…SN
then all on one side STD.SN(L),C(L),SW(L),SN(R),C(R),SW(R)
then a flat out sprint version. Speed up and increase no. of reps of each
Add in P/PP
Same idea, playing with sequence, hand changes & speed
Break the cycle with 1x3min round of skipping & 1x3min round of bagwork (min rest between)
Now a heavy KB SW circle. 30s of SW’s, then change weights. 3min work, 30s rest. total of 10mins
SW/bridge circle. SW 30s, bridge 30s. total of 10mins.