20090501 – 07h00 – Workers day
JM & Warmup10
Up a weight. 2H-SW x10, SW(L) x10, SW(R) x10
repeat with x8, then x6, then x4 of each
Up a weight…repeat again
Sumo deadlifts (heavy). 10 sets of 10 reps. Then 5 sets of 10 reps (L), and 5 sets of 10 reps (R).
Tension drills. Strict hard-style Presses.
Up a weight: Slow descent. 5 on each arm. 2 sets
Repeat BU-style 3 reps each arm. 1set
1-L version: repeat as above using 3 rep sets
Up a weight. Normal 2-L Presses.
Slow Pushups: 1 hand on a KB, other on the floor. 3 counts down, 3 counts hold, 3 counts up again
3 reps. Widen hands…2reps…widen…1 rep. Switch hands and repeat.
JW bridge to finish.