20090619 – 05h30 – Double Trouble
JM & Lazy15
Double KB drills & variations in 30s work, 30s rest sets (it’s been a hard week, and we need a slow day)
C(L),C(R),C(DBL),C(Alt),C(MachineGun) – see below for explanation
repeat using H2H/WaiterCleans:C(L),C(R),C(DBL)
repeat using BU Cleans:C(L),C(R),C(DBL),C(Alt)
repeat using H2H/WaiterPresses:P(L),P(R),P(Alt/SeeSaw),P(DBL)
repeat using BU Presses:P(L),P(R),P(Alt/SeeSaw),P(DBL)
SN(L),SN(R),SN(DBL),SN(Alt),SN(MachineGun) – see below for explanation
Machine Gun: On a normal alternating version, 1KB stays low while the other moves, so it’s an easy tempo. The MG version, both move at once, so it’s a double time movement.Lots of core, lots of co-ordination and timing. The trick is to pull the bottom one up a fraction of a second before releasing/dropping the top one.
Some Abs: Normal situps, weighted situps (L, then R, then both in a racked position, and also in a lockout position)
10 pullups to finish, and a good stretch