20090706 – 05h30 – Core only
JM & long warmup using SW(Alt) in 2x5min sets
NO weights, no hands… drop down to the floor and stand up again. A bit of a TGU rolldown I guess.
5 with right leg leading, 5 with left leg leading
Add a racked kettlebell. 5(L), 5(R). Keeping the KB in the same hand, switch leading legs to the opposite side for 5/5.
Repeat with overhead lockout 5/5, switch leading leg, 5/5
Add a 2nd KB.One racked, one lockout. 5/5, switch leading legs, 5/5
DBL lockout. 3/3.
Weighted situps. 12+12,16+16,20+20,24+24,32+32,40+40,48+48
Getup situps: pin the feet. repeat, but pin the knees down (changes the dynamics completely)
Rack a KB, partner holds your legs down while you lie on your side – then come up using the obliques.
Swingups to finish. 5xmiddle, 5x(L), 5x(R)