20090710 – 05h30 – 100’s
JM & WarmUp
SW x100
C x100
P/PP x100
SN x200
Timed set of increasing density…so…1xSW,1xC,1xP/PP,1xSN on each side…2xSW,2xC,2xP/PP,2xSN on each side…up to 5x, then cycle back to 1’s and do it again. Total of 10 mins.
Some legs….increasing density
BWSQ x10, FWD Lunge(L) x10, FWD Lunge(R) x10
BWSQ x10, FWD Lunge(L) x10, FWD Lunge(R) x10, BWD Lunge(L) x10, BWD Lunge(R) x10, BWSQ to the (L) x10, BWSQ to the (R) x10
BWSQ x10, FWD Lunge(L) x10, FWD Lunge(R) x10, BWD Lunge(L) x10, BWD Lunge(R) x10, BWSQ to the (L) x10, BWSQ to the (R) x10, Dragon Lunge FWD (L) x10, Dragon Lunge BWD (L) x10, Dragon Lunge FWD (R) x10, Dragon Lunge BWD (R) x10
Last 10 – BWSQ as fast as you can
Finish with a 2.5min bridge