20090814 – 05h30
JM – no warmup.
It’s a fresh day outside in the darkness, so we grab some KB’s and weighted vests and head out.
SW(2H) followed by a sprint across the carpark
Same idea with P/PP, SN etc, changing the speed and type of running work. SOme side shuffles etc to make it more challenging.
Back inside for a SN session (20kg)
SN(L) 25…rest…SN(R) 30…rest…SN(L) 35…rest…SN(R) 40…rest…SN(L) 50…rest…SN(R) 60…rest…SN(L) 75
Double the weight you have…rack & hold (L) 60s….45s…30s. repeat right
increase weight again. (L) 60s, (R) 60s
weighted vest bridge – 3mins