20091020 – 05h30 – 24’s
JM & 100club
SW(2H) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
SW(L) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
SW(R) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
SW(Alt) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
C(L) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
C(R) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
P/PP(L) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
P/PP(R) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
SN(L) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
SN(R) x24, 10 x BWSQ, bridge 1min, bridge(L) 30s, bridge(R) 30s
Now we go for the new record on the walking bridge – a PR of 12min 30s (which also beats the previous best strict bridge record, so now we gotta work on that too)
Heavy swings now. Again using 24 reps which typically takes 40s, then rest for the remaining 20s of the minute
4sets on 24kg
3sets on 32kg
2 sets on 40kg