20091121 – 07h00 – Randomness
JM & Warmup (200club)
A totally random workout. We started using swings & BWSQ. Played around with numbers and combinations using the basic 4 plus BWSQ’s, lunges & bridges.
A few of the notable ones…
10xSW(L),10xBWSQ,10xSW(R),10xBWSQ, 20xSW(L),20xBWSQ,20xSW(R),20xBWSQ, 30xSW(L),30xBWSQ,30xSW(R),30xBWSQ, 40xSW(L),40xBWSQ,40xSW(R),40xBWSQ
Divide the group into 2 groups. group A does TGU’s while group B skips. 2mins on each exercise – 4 rounds (total 16mins).
Make a big circle – everyone goes into a strict bridge. Each person exits the circle to do pullups (ladies 3, gents 5) while the rest stay in position. We stop when everyone has had a turn on the pullups.
Finish with a timed set on the 20kg – working as fast as you can. SW(2H), SW(L), SW(R), SW(Alt), C(L), C(R), P/PP(L), P/PP(R), SN(L), SN(R) – 1min on each. [BP of 294].