20100417 – 07h00 – Cardio Core mix
JM & WarmUp(160club)
Sw2h + legwork in sets of 10. SqBw, Lunges, DragonLunges etc
BearWalk + plyometric + SnL 10 + SnR 10 (20kg)
LizardWalk + plyometric + PpL 10 + PpR 10 (24kg)
LizardWalkWithPushup + plyometric + CL 10 + CR 10 (28kg)
PpL 5 + PpR 5 + pullup (32kg)
Some technical work on the snatch (preventing the wrist thump & torn hands based on Steve Cotters recent videos)
BrS 3m
HRMax= xxx, kcal= yyy