20100618 – 05h30
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
20kg: KB(40s) + TGU-L(within the 20s) (10mins [basic10] then rest 1m)
20kg: KB(40s) + TGU-R(within the 20s) (10mins [basic10] then rest 1m)
24kg: KB(40s) + TGU (L/R)(within the 20s) (10mins [basic10] then rest 1m) – change sides each time for the TGU
24kg: KB-L (1m) + TGU-L + TGU-R (both TGU’s within 1m) + KB-R (1m) + TGU-L + TGU-R (both TGU’s within 1m)
use Sn, Pp, Sw, C (=16m total)
HRMax= zzz kcal= yyy