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JM + WarmUp (160 club) A similar concept to yesterday’s burp-eaze plan, with just a few burpees Sw2h,SwA (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (1L+1R)SwL,SwR (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (2L+2R)CL,CR (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (3L+3R)Pp/J-L,Pp/J-R (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (4L+4R)SnL,SnR (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (5L+5R)LC-L,LC-R (20L+20R), 4 Burpees, TGU (6L+6R) After each exercise, do 1++ TGU’s on each hand. The KB exercise is 20 reps, so by the end of round one, you’re on 6+6 TGU’s. After round 2 you’re on 12…etcTo summarise/clarify KB-L 20, KB-R 20, Burpees 4, TGU 1++ (L+R)KB=Sw(2h,A),Sw(L+R),C(L+R),P/J(L+R),Sn(L+R),LC(L+R)