20120111 – 05h30 – A couple of swings
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,28,32,28,24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,8 1) Start with 10L+10R on each station. Go as high as you can manage and then back again.2) 10 doubles on each station. Go as high as you can manage and then back again.3) 30 alternating on each station. Go as high as you can manage and then back again.4) Start with 50 double swings at the first station. Subtract 2 reps each time you move to the next station. ie. you’ll drop to 30 reps at the 32kg. When you go back down the line, add the 2 reps back again.