20120308 – 05h30 – Increments
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Snatches (L+R) 16+16 [2++]Ninja Pushups 4 [1++]Double Swings 20 [3++]Long Cycle (L+R) 12+12 [1++]Goblet Squats 8 [2++]Floor Wipers 4 [1++]
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Snatches (L+R) 16+16 [2++]Ninja Pushups 4 [1++]Double Swings 20 [3++]Long Cycle (L+R) 12+12 [1++]Goblet Squats 8 [2++]Floor Wipers 4 [1++]
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Swings (30L + 30R)Evil WheelCleans (24L + 24R)Renegade Row + NinjaPushupDouble Clean (20)DeckSitup + KB-crunchSeeSaw Press (12L + 12R)Jack Knife [L+R]Double LC (16) The KB moves keep the same number of reps. The Ab/Core exercises start at 3, and increase by 3++ every round
JM + WarmUp (160 club) A 3-12-3 pyramid. Start with 3 of each. Add 1++ every round till you get to 12 of each, then descend again back to 3 Snatch (L+R)LC (L+R)Double-KB-SquatDouble Jerk
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Press/Jerk (L)Evil WheelJack Knife (L)Dragon Lunge (L) weightedGoblet SquatSnatches (L)Press/Jerk (R)Evil WheelJack Knife (R)Dragon Lunge (R) weightedGoblet SquatSnatches (R) Start on 10 reps, increase by 2++ every round
JM + WarmUp (160 club) We split up the studio into 5 zones. You do an exercise in each zone, then increment the exercise by the correct amount on each round1) Kettlebells Swings 32+32 (5++) Cleans 24+24 (4++) Press/Jerk 20+20 (3++) Snatch 16+16 (2++) LC 12+12 (1++) You can pick whichever exercise you like here, and can switch between them on different rounds, so for example… (on round 1 this is Swings 32L+32R) (on round 2 this is Snatch 18L+18R) [snatches increment by just 2, so after 1 round it’s 16+2=18] (on round 3 this is Cleans 32L+32R) [cleans