20120504 – 05h30 – Boxers Legs
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 30s Scissor Jumps90s Boxing30s Squats (Bodyweight)90s Kettlebells (12 rounds… using Basic12 as the template) This was (for some unkown reason) MUCH easier in my head than in reality
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 30s Scissor Jumps90s Boxing30s Squats (Bodyweight)90s Kettlebells (12 rounds… using Basic12 as the template) This was (for some unkown reason) MUCH easier in my head than in reality
JM + WarmUp (160 club) SwL SwR J2CL CR J2Pp/J-L Pp/J-R J2SnL SnR J2C+Pp/J-L C+Pp/J-R J2So, 50s on each one (of the 15 rounds), then rest 40s between rounds4 rounds, increasing weight on the single-KB moves each round (the J2 weights stay the same throughout)
JM + WarmUp (160 club) SwL SqBwSwR BrSCL E/WCR SqBwPp/J-L BrWPp/J-R BrLSnL BrRSnR KB-Halo’sC+Pp/J-L BrRevC+Pp/J-R E/WSo, 50s on each one (of the 20 rounds), then rest 50s between rounds3 rounds, increasing weight on each round
JM + WarmUp (160 club) After the Rannoch100 we need some NO kettlebell training, just to get the body moving without loading the slightly fatigued grip from yesterday.Steve Cotter OH Lunges forwards 40m, backwards 40mSteve Cotter OH Lunges forwards 40m, backwards 40m, but add a scissor jump on every stepSide Stepping Squats forwards 40m, backwards 40mSide Stepping Squats forwards 40m, backwards 40m, but add a squat jump on every step
JM. NO warmup, ‘cos the workout kinda includes that part Wednesday was Megan’s birthday. We did do a similar workout on Wednesday, and it was cool, so we’ll do another variant of that one for today.25-4-1965 47 25, 4, 10+9=19, 65, 47 are the numbers we’ll use 25 sets in a row (of 47s each), 4 rounds, with a 9s rest between each setAfter every 10th one we’ll do some Plyo-Leg work. SwL,SwR,CL,CR,Pp/J-L,Pp/J-R,SnL,SnR,LC-L,LC-R (increase weight after this)Scissor JumpsSwL,SwR,CL,CR,Pp/J-L,Pp/J-R,SnL,SnR,LC-L,LC-R (increase weight after this)Squat JumpsSw2,C2Burpees 4 rounds of this, increasing weight twice on each round, so you’ll get through 8 different