20120410 – 05h30 – Single/Double 8[8+=]
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Start with 8 reps of each, and add 8 reps every round SwL,SwR,Sw2CL,CR,C2OAJ-L,OAJ-R,J2SnL,SnR,LC2
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Start with 8 reps of each, and add 8 reps every round SwL,SwR,Sw2CL,CR,C2OAJ-L,OAJ-R,J2SnL,SnR,LC2
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 20 seconds work, 10s rest, 8 in a row (takes 4 minutes), rest 40s, repeat for 3 setsPress/Jerk Left onlyPress/Jerk Right onlyPress/Jerk Doubles Now we steal 2 seconds from rest and give the to work22 seconds work, 8s rest, 8 in a row (takes 4 minutes), rest 40s, repeat for 3 setsPress/Jerk Left onlyPress/Jerk Right onlyPress/Jerk Doubles Now we give the 2 seconds back, but we up the weightsPress/Jerk Left onlyPress/Jerk Right onlyPress/Jerk Doubles One to finish – increase the weights again, but only do the doublesPress/Jerk Doubles
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 21 reps of a move from Basic12, 9 scissor jumps (on each leg), 1 90 second situp, 3 pullups…repeat with next exercise from basic12
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 100-club (WarmUp Weight)120-club (KB++)160-club (KB++)200-club (KB++)240-club (KB++)300-club (KB++)
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Side StepUps (HiBox) 8+8Evil Wheel 8Pistol 4+4Forward StepUps (weighted) 8+8The 1-minute ab drill x1Scissor Jumps 8+8Clean + Press/Jerk 8+8 repeat