20110330 – 05h30 – Doubles VO2max
JM + WarmUp (160 club) VO2max 15s work, 15s rest, 12 sets at a time (6mins), 8 rounds, with 45s rest between roundsThis time we’ll do Double KB moves. Press, Jerk, PushPress, and Cleans HRMax= 156 kcal= 745
JM + WarmUp (160 club) VO2max 15s work, 15s rest, 12 sets at a time (6mins), 8 rounds, with 45s rest between roundsThis time we’ll do Double KB moves. Press, Jerk, PushPress, and Cleans HRMax= 156 kcal= 745
JM + WarmUp (160 club) KB, EW (EvilWheel), KB, BrW (WalkingBridge), KBDo this for all 12 of the Basic12 exercises. In other words, on a round, you do 3 sets of the same exercise HRMax= 165 kcal= 738
JM + WarmUp (100 club) 500 ropeJumps/skips5 rounds of… [SwA 32 reps @ 32kg, 20 pullups, 20 box jumps (24″), 50 DBL cleans (2x16kg), 10 Burpees]500 ropeJumps/skips Done for time – ie. as fast as you can – POWER session! NOT so short this time. It was ROUGH!!!Some of the times for the day: 1h 04m, 1h 20m HRMax= 168 kcal= 1132
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 500 ropeJumps/skips3 rounds of… [Sw2h 32 reps @ 32kg, 20 pullups, 20 box jumps (24″), 50 DBL cleans (2x16kg), 10 Burpees]500 ropeJumps/skips Done for time – ie. as fast as you can – POWER session – short & sharp! Times were between 33m05s and 37m
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 5 exercises each for 1m: 1 from KB basic12, EvilWheel, BrS, GuS-L(racked), GuS-R(racked)rest 20s, and repeat with a different KB exercise.12x5m=60m of work, with 4m of rests. Keep increasing the weight of the GuS as you progress through the 12 exercises Now some higher impact work.KB 1m, SqBw 1m – 12 sets using basic12 as template24mins work, zero rest HRMax= 169 kcal= 1152