20110411 – 05h30 – The JW/Wim birthday sessions
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Wim: birthdate 9/4/1969 42yrs old [9 4 19 69 42]
JW: birthdate 11/4/1984 27yrs old [11 4 19 84 27]
Janda Situps x4
Overhead Squats x4 (JW does double-OH)
Hindu Pushups x19
Ninja Pushups (pushup/Dip on 2 KBs) x11
Windmills 4L/4R
Inchworm+pushup x11
Lunges(jumping) x27
Lunges(Dragon – backwards) 11L/11R
Inchworm JW style x19
Alternating swings x84
MuthaFucka Burpee x11 (Burpee with a clapping pushups and a tuckjump)
Walking bridge x69
Inclined pushup x9
MountainJumps x42
As many rounds as possible