20110606 – 05h30 – .357 magnum
JM + WarmUp (100club)
21-15-9 is the theory…
Round 1: 21 & 9
Round 2: 15 & 15
Round 3: 9 & 21
Sw2h + Burpees
SwL + Burpees
SwR + Burpees
SwA + Burpees
CL + Burpees
CR + Burpees
PpL + Burpees
PpR + Burpees
SnL + Burpees
SnR + Burpees
C+P-L + Burpees
C+P-R + Burpees
DBL-Sw + Burpees
DBL-C + Burpees
DBL-Pp + Burpees
DBL-Sn + Burpees
DBL-C+P + Burpees
Furthest progression for the morning was round 2 Cleans.
It took me 3 sessions to get through the whole lot.
1. HRMax= 172 kcal= 970 (11m30 in the red zone) [20kg for the singles, 2×16 for the doubles]
2. HRMax= 175 kcal= 931 (22m35 in the red zone) [22kg for the singles, 2×18 for the doubles]
3. HRMax= 171 kcal= 1109 (13m50 in the red zone) [24kg for the singles, 2×20 for the doubles]
In all – the workout is 3010 kcal, with 47m in the red(zone5) and 1h44 in zone 4 – AWESOME!!