20120210 – 05h30 – EDT Tabata Double Swings
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
We set up another rather delightfully pretty array of 2xKB’s from 2×8 up to 2×32.
We’ll start with some singles to get going. 16 sets in a block. Work 20s, rest/move 10s.
Initial… Sw2h, SwL, SwR, SwA… then next weight. 4 sets in a row, then a bonus of 30s rest.
Men start at 12kg and go up to 32kg (if possible) and then down again.
In all we do 7 rounds. The 1st 2 are singles, then on to the doublesfor the remaining 5 rounds.
It’s ALL swings.
At the end of the round… remove the heaviest pair and continue. Next time remove the lightest pair…etc