20120216 – 05h30 – One hand OH Tabata’s EDT
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Work 20s, rest 10s. A set has 16 loops, so 4 sets on each hand and 8 sets of the bodyweight/other
Choose yourself 4 different KB’s (eg 18,20,22,24kg which are A,B,C,D)
1) Snatches + Burpees (Sn with A)
2) Snatches + Tuck Jumps (Sn with B)
3) OAJ + Squat(Goblet) (OAJ & SqG with C)
4) OAJ + Evil Wheel (OAJ with D)
5) OAJ + Reverse Bridge (OAJ with C)
6) Snatches + Double Swings (Sn with B, Double Swings with C+D)
7) Snatches + Deck Situps (Sn & Deck Situps with A)