20090408 – 18h45 – GlutesMixture
JM & 100club
light+(12kg) SN…100 per arm
Medium+(24kg) Stepups on the side of the ring(slooooow & controlled) 10(L)/10(R)
repeat with KB in other hand (to shift the balance of the core) 10(L)/10(R)
repeat with KB in racked position 5(L)/5(R)
Heavier(32kg) – repeat 3(L)/3(R)
DBL (2x32kg) – repeat 3(L)/3(R)
Grab kettlebell by the horns (like a goblin SQ) and jump up (both legs at once) onto side of the ring x10
Bridge/Plank – everyone in a circle…each person gets a turn to go do pullups while the others stay in position (girls=5/guys=10)
EvilDawn situps x5 each side
Janda’s on 2nd rope x5