20090416 – 18h45 – Kettlebox v2 & juggling 101
JM & WarmUp10
A variation on the Kettlebox. Instead of doing 3 minute rounds with 1min of skip/ropejump,bagwork,swings & 1min break between rounds…
2mins skip/ropejump, 1min rest, 2mins bagwork, 1min rest, 2min KB-anything, 1min rest
3mins skip/ropejump, 1min rest, 3mins bagwork, 1min rest, 3min KB-anything, 1min rest
4mins skip/ropejump, 1min rest, 4mins bagwork, 1min rest, 4min KB-anything, 1min rest
Juggling 101 with partners. Pass the KB using a flighted swing…2 hands, then 1 hand, then on the outside, then doubles etc.
Lot’s of fun (as long as you remember the words of Mr. Martone…”Quick feet are happy feet”)