20090508 – 05h45 – 1 legged
Oops…alarm still set to public holiday schedule, so I was late to start (sorry guys!)
Anyway, warmup aside, since I had nothing to do with that…
Sets of SW/BWSQ in 30s bursts
Side of the ring…1 leg stepping up but without the kick from the toes of the opposite leg (stand on your heel with toes off the floor, then sloooowly stand up using power instead of a bounce)
1st without KB…then racked…then overhead
More 1L stuff. Presses…standard, BU, then play with grips while doing strict presses. Forwards, backwards, fingertips etc.
Wrist/grip rolls. Push the KB into the floor and then rotate it to grind your wrist/grip strength (photos to follow).
End with a set of…any of SW,C,SN…10,15,20,25,30,35. No repeating… The choice worked out to…10xC(L),15xC(R),20xSW(L),25xSW(R),30xSN(L),35xSN(R)
OK, let’s add some 1L heavy PP’s