20090518 – 05h30 – GS Last Man Standing (1000reps with one hand change)
JM & WarmUp7.5 (45s on each of the basic 10)
Now a cracker….. 16kg… 30mins (L)…30mins (R) – NO kidding!
I worked on…1min SW,1m SN,1m C,1m LC,1m P/PP..repeat. As an indicator of rep count… typically that’s 32,20,15,9,12=88*6=528, so it’s possible (note…possible…since I can’t be certain that every set was identical) that this was a 1000 rep set with 1 hand change. It sure felt like it.
I have to add from a personal note, that it was more of a mental challenge than anything. Arm Pump/Grip starts screaming LOUDLY from about 4mins in. The 2nd arm is hell right from the start. Getting the panic sensors to S.T.F.U is all you need to do. However…it ROCKED!
For all the Enduro guys – I believe I understand the arm-pump issue. My deepest sympathies!
Comments: Who’s up for a 20kg or 24kg version?!