20090521 – 05h30 – lots of legs
I was sick today, so the guys did their own thing….
1min swings 2 hands
30sec rest
1min swings left
30sec rest
1min swings right
Step-ups onto the ring, hanging weight in each hand x10
5 x pull-ups
Step-ups onto the ring, weights above head x10
20 x push-ups
2 x 24’s Deadlift x 10
2 x 32’s Deadlift x 10
2 x 40’s Deadlift x 10
1 x 24 Squat x 10
1 x 32 Squat x 10
1 x 40 Squat x 10
2 x 32’s Farmer’s walk
2 x 24’s Military-press walk (double overhead)