20090527 – 05h30 – KettleKickBox & SW/SN circuit
Not even a warmup…we go straight into the workout.
1min of…..Bagwork with kicks, skipping,kettlebells,bridge/plank… do 4 pullups during the 1min “rest” (=5min round) x8
Final round is double…2mins of each exercise
guys:24kg=SN girls:12kg=SN
guys:32kg=1H-SW girls:16kg=SW
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x5 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x6 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x7 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x8 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x9 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x10 on each
SN(L),SW(L),SN(R),SW(R) x15 on each