20090807 – 05h30 – mixed technical
JM & WarmUp
Some DBL work.
2 KB’s – lean on them and do a pushup, then renegade row each side, DBL-C,DBL-SQ – 10 reps
Standing row, DBL-C,SeeSaw – 10 reps
Abs using weights.
The Ab-thruster: hook one foot into a kettlebell, and rack one while you lie on your back. Do a situp, and as you are moving up, press the KB. (same idea as a thruster-SQ, but for abs instead of legs)
Spent some time working on grip changes for prograde KB’s
Snatches in sets of 10/hand…increasing weight as heavy as you can manage
JW made it up to the 40’s. If you don’t know anything about KB’s, doing snatches for reps with a 40kg is some SERIOUS work!
4min bridge to finish