20090903 – 05h30 – rows 2
JM & WarmUp
Thanx to Simon for this idea.
We line up 2 rows of KB’s. One for ladies, which has 2×8, 2×12, 2×16, 2×20, 2×24, 2×28
For the ladies, when we change to C,P/PP,SN they can add in a 3rd KB in each of the lower weights, so they stop on 16kg or 20kg if they’re feeling strong. The guys get 1x 8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48
The idea is to keep going heavier till you can’t handle the weight, then loop back to the beginning till everyone is done. A kinda KB relay
Round 1: 10xSW(2H) on each weight till you’ve done a set on each size
Round 2: 10xSW(L)
Round 3: 10xSW(R)
Round 4: 10xSW(Alt)
Round 5: 5xC(L),5xC(R)
Round 6: 5xP/PP(L),5xP/PP(R)
Round 7: 4xSN(L),4xSN(R)
We end with a 3min walking bridge