20100122 – 05h30 – Random
JM & WarmUp(200club)
Random sets of 10 reps of
Sw2h, Sw(L/R), SwA, C(L/R), Pp(L/R), Sn(L/R), pushups, situps, SqBw, SqG, Lunges(L/R), BrS, Br(L/R), BrW, BrReverse, DragonLunges(L/R)
TGUs (L/R) 2mins, skip 2mins
Windmill 10, BrS 2mins
Basic10 + pullups:
Sw2h 25, pullups 5
SwL 25, pullups 5
SwR 25, pullups 5
SwA 25, pullups 5
CL 25, pullups 5
CR 25, pullups 5
PpL 25, pullups 5
PpR 25, pullups 5
SnL 25, pullups 5
SnR 25, pullups 5
No HRM etc. forgot the gadget again