20120213 – 05h30 – TGU + J + J2 + SC-OH
JM + WarmUp (160 club) TGU 3L+3ROAJ-L 12,OAJ-R 12, J2 12SteveCotter OH lunge 40m forwards + 40m backwardsrepeat
JM + WarmUp (160 club) TGU 3L+3ROAJ-L 12,OAJ-R 12, J2 12SteveCotter OH lunge 40m forwards + 40m backwardsrepeat
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Last week we did the S’bonga birthday session, but I got the dates wrong. We did 1970 & 42, but it should have been 1971 and 41.Here’s the modified one. 3-2-1971 41yrs old.so a basic 8 of Cleans, Presses, Snatches and C+P – each on left/right 41 reps of the KB-basic8 exercise + [TGU 6L+6R,Evil Wheel 19,Spetsnaz Roll 7,Pistol (weighted) 1 rep]Then repeat for the next of the basic8
JM + WarmUp (160 club) We set up another rather delightfully pretty array of 2xKB’s from 2×8 up to 2×32.We’ll start with some singles to get going. 16 sets in a block. Work 20s, rest/move 10s. Initial… Sw2h, SwL, SwR, SwA… then next weight. 4 sets in a row, then a bonus of 30s rest.Men start at 12kg and go up to 32kg (if possible) and then down again.In all we do 7 rounds. The 1st 2 are singles, then on to the doublesfor the remaining 5 rounds.It’s ALL swings. At the end of the round… remove the heaviest
JM + WarmUp (160 club) A nice array of double KB’s arranged in pairs from 2×8 up to 2x24kgYou go up the pyramid of weights as far as you can manage and then down again1) OAJ 4L+4R (just to get going)2) DoubleJerks 43) DoubleJerks 64) DoubleJerks 8[2++]
JM + WarmUp (160 club) A pyramid of legwork 3-7-3DeepBoxSquat JumpsHamstrung (L+R)HiBox StepUps to the side (L+R)DragonLunges (weighted) (L+R)1-legged Spetsnaz Roll (L+R)Pistol (L+R)Airborne Lunge (L+R)